We provide expertise in
Communications & Marketing – With a background in sports journalism, spanning more than three decades, All About Sports can provide custom content for websites, events, annual reports, newsletters and all types of publications and electronic media. If you need a critical eye to edit or advise on watchability and readability of your existing communications, let us know. Need help building your social media profile? We can assist with that, too.
Event Hosting & Logistics – Do you have an amazing project you’re about to launch but aren’t sure about the “business” side of things? We can help you manage events of all sizes and deliver fantastic results. We know that the “small” details add up to create a wonderful experience for fans, guests and audiences of all kinds.
Sport Board and Executive Services – We provide services in and around the Board Room. We can assist your organization, big or small, in executive services, governance, organizational efficiency and strategic and operational planning.
And a whole lot more!